Monday 4 April 2011

A Week in a Day

As I said in my previous post - last week. I will put aside Modelling this week and concentrate on other modules while some of my work renders.

I have put together below A list of images and I will then comment on them further below.

Roof Tiling is something that was very easy and was done by a downloadable texture that I saved from google. The Roof shape is something thats very simple and also just repeated across the top. This was the start of my city of venice.

 Almost imediately I began on the buildings and constructed several simple cuboid shapes to resemble the city of venice! I was getting there swiftly. I used a simple water tutorial at this point and created windows in the buildings so it would reflect the water. 100% Relfection plays a good treat when reflecting opposite or the other buildings.

The buildings were being stretched and multiplied and I was beginning to feel very doubtful of my project of venice so far. This is dissapointing for me as I felt I was 100% comfortable in the program of 3DS Max. Obviously not! I wasn't happy with this So I decided to scrap it and begin again. While re-starting my city I was searching the internet for ideas and came across a 3DS Max website which had loads of venice related articles on how to build a city. With finished downloadable files on it. (I will explain this later on in the blog).

Water - My original water I made wasnt very good and I felt this insulted what I was capable of on 3DS max, whether you follow a tutorial or not. Everything is a learning curve!  I found a tutorial on the internet which literally created the perfect ocean for me and successsfuly using daylight settings that rich taugh us very early on in the Modelling side of this module.

The link can be found above and is a very good tutorial on creating exceptionally good water. This Ocean was spot on and perfect for just popping the buildings on! Once I had a great plain persay, the rest would follow!

Now here's the venice part. Considering it is week 11 and the most important part of the module at the moment is animation. I would like to reference these venice buildings to this:

However I had modified and changed the buildings completely, But i did not originally create these, however it doesn't effect that I feel I WOULD have the ability too. The buildings are made out of an editable mesh and the windows and archway's, roofs are very easily created.

Unfortunately I do not have the time - however If you were too look at the link above and my current city, they're very different in a lot of aspects and are somwhat compeltely different. I have edited the whole scene just for a small section of filiming.

As seen above this is one single frame rendered. This is 1080HDTV, 1920x1080. I will be rendering all my films and movies in this ratio and at this size so everything is at a high quality - no materials will lose quality and some 'grain' like problems which can occur. Which can be easily fixed by rendering at a higher quality. 

It may take longer - BUT thats what over night rendering is there for.

It will post again with the rendered clip that took a day and a half to render (most likely due to daylight/environment settings).

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